Trusted Contact

An easy step to protect your financial security

Huntington Beach Credit Union is committed to protecting our members from the risk of financial exploitation — today and into retirement.

Name your Trusted Contact

You can submit a Trusted Contact form to provide us with a person or list of persons who you trust, and to allow us to contact them if we suspect you ever become a victim of financial exploitation. Sometimes, third parties can try to take advantage of the trust and goodwill of a member. Or sometimes, a member can become disabled, impaired, and vulnerable to mistreatment by others. Take this easy step to protect your financial security.

Think about people you know who would be a good fit for this job. You should choose someone you trust who is reliable and has your best interests at heart. You can choose a family member, friend, attorney, or someone else. Consider naming a trusted contact that does not have access to your finances.

It can be helpful to choose more than one trusted contact so that if the first person is not available, we can reach out to others on the list.

Not just for older people

You may think this would just be for older people. But what if you suffer an injury and are in the hospital? Or are traveling and can't be reached? 

Your accounts cannot be changed

It's important to understand that your Trusted Contact cannot make changes to your accounts or view your balances. Their role is simply to help us reach you or others who may be able to help you.

The main benefit of choosing a Trusted Contact is that if an emergency happens, you have already identified someone who you want us to contact to help protect you.

You can update your list at any time

You can add or remove people from your Trusted Contact list at any time. Contact us at any time to make these changes in writing.

Download Trusted Contact Form